# GeoPlatform FGDC Conformance Checklist GeoPlatform FGDC Conformance Checklist (https://geoplatform.gov/insights/fair ) is a set of rules run against supported [ISO metadata](../gp-faq/geoplatform-data-sources.html#what-metadata-standards-are-supported-for-harvesting-into-geoplatform) to support data being Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable in GeoPlatform. These insights follow the [FGDC technical guidance and metadata recommendations for Data.gov and The GeoPlatform](https://www.fgdc.gov/technical-guidance/metadata/fgdc-technical-guidance-datagov-geoplatform-ngda.pdf). GeoPlatform’s FGDC Conformance Checklist provides system-wide counts of metadata records by Rule and Agency. Clicking on an Agency will take you to a summary page for that Agency, where you can also filter metadata records by rule. Drilling down to a metadata record will show you a summary of passing rules and rules that have identified issues. You can expand a rule to view a summary of why that particular rule passed or failed. There are also links to our Knowledge Base for more information on how to implement parts of the ISO 19139 specification listed below. This tool is targeted to support dataset creators and metadata authors. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out via the [GeoPlatform Service Desk](https://geoplatform.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portals). ![](fair-insights/fair-insights.jpeg) FAIR Insight Rules - [Check for image URL, size, and dimensions](../gp-fair/thumbnail-graphic-best-practices.html) - [Check for direct links to geospatial data](../gp-fair/direct-links.html) - [Check downloads and links](../gp-fair/check-downloads-and-links.html) - [Check that metadata was downloaded from Data.gov](../gp-fair/metadata-download.html) - [Check for valid spatial and temporal extent](../gp-fair/check-extent.html) - [Check dataset meets Geoplatform data requirements](../gp-fair/geospatial-tag.html) - [Check that the maintenance frequency code is current](../gp-fair/maintenance-frequency-best-practices.html) - [Check for Organization Metadata Point of Contact](../gp-fair/point-of-contact-best-practices-metadata.html) - [Point of Contact - Check for Organization Point of Contact](../gp-fair/point-of-contact-best-practices.html) - [Check for recognized data distribution format](../gp-fair/resource-format-name-best-practices.html) - [Check for spatial representation](../gp-fair/spatial-code.html) - [Check for valid abstract](../gp-fair/validate-abstract.html) - [Check for valid title](../gp-fair/validate-title.html) - [Check vocabulary codes against the ISO codelists](../gp-fair/validate-vocabulary-codelist.html) GeoPlatform Related FAQs - [ISO Metadata](iso-metadata.html) - [Metadata Editors](metadata-editors.html) - [GeoPlatform Formats](geoplatform-formats.html) - [Agency/Bureau Names](angency-bureau-names.html) - [Unique Identifiers](unique-identifiers.html) - [GeoPlatform Data Sources](geoplatform-datasources.html) - [Baseline of GeoPlatform Standards](baseline-of-geoplatform-standards.html) FAIR Principles ISO metadata provides descriptive information about geospatial datasets and products to make them easier to discover, access, and use. The ISO standards specify the XML implementation for the metadata. The FGDC Conformance Checklist supports the FAIR Principles by giving metadata Insights into their metadata to allow : - **F**indable Machine-readable metadata support the automatic discovery of datasets and services - **A**ccessible Once a user finds the required data, metadata provides information on how the data can be accessed - **I**nteroperable Metadata provides the information necessary for the data to work reliably with other data, applications, or workflows for analysis, storage, and processing - **R**eusable Metadata provides the information so that data can be used to derive other data and replicated and/or combined in different settings **More Information** - [FGDC Technical Guidance: Data.gov and The GeoPlatform Metadata Recommendations](https://www.fgdc.gov/technical-guidance/metadata/fgdc-technical-guidance-datagov-geoplatform-ngda.pdf) - [ESIP ISO Explorer](https://wiki.esipfed.org/Category:ISO_Explorer)