# Metadata Contact - Check for Organization Metadata Contact This FGDC conformance check assesses whether the metadata includes a contact organization. ## Organization Metadata Contact for the Resource While there are many opportunities within an ISO metadata record to identify contacts, the inclusion of the organization's *Metadata Contact* enables Data.gov and the GeoPlatform to direct users to a single point of inquiry for the metadata resource. To facilitate discovery by ‘organization’ within Data.gov and the GeoPlatform, the *Metadata Contact* should be the agency directly responsible for the metadata publication. In addition to designating the publishing agency as the *Metadata Contact*, it is important to designate the associated *Responsible Party Role* as ‘publisher’, as shown below. ### ISO 19115 - ***Metadata Contact***: the agency responsible for publishing the resource *//gmd:contact/gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty/gmd:organisationName/gco:CharacterString/text()* - ***Agency Role:*** the agency should be indicated as the publisher of the resource *//gmd:contact/gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty/gmd:role/gmd:CI_RoleCode/"publisher"* ### ISO 19115-3 - ***Metadata Contact***: the agency responsible for publishing the resource *//mdb:contact/cit:CI_Responsibility/cit:party/cit:CI_Organisation/cit:name/gco:CharacterString/text()* - ***Agency Role:*** the agency should be indicated as the publisher of the resource *//mdb:contact/cit:CI_Responsibility/cit:role/cit:CI_RoleCode/"publisher"* The recommended source for agency and bureau names is Appendix C of the [OMB Circular A-11](https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/a11.pdf) ("Preparation, Submission, and Execution of the Budget"). This is a government circular that is revised and reissued periodically. The current version is from 2016. A searchable list of agencies and bureaus (sub-agencies) can be found in the [Federal Register of Agencies](https://www.federalregister.gov/agencies). Multiple *Responsibility.organisationName* elements can be used to include the agency and bureau names as shown below. **Responsibility/Organization Name**: Department of the Interior **Responsibility/Organization Name**: United States Geological Survey ### More information - [FGDC Technical Guidance: Data.gov and The GeoPlatform Metadata Recommendations](https://www.fgdc.gov/technical-guidance/metadata/fgdc-technical-guidance-datagov-geoplatform-ngda.pdf) - [ESIP ISO Explorer CI_Contact](https://wiki.esipfed.org/CI_Contact)