# Signing into Esri Mobile Apps with a GeoPlatform Login.gov Account 1. Open Survey123, ArcGIS Collector, or ArcGIS Field Maps application on mobile device. 2. Click “Sign in with ArcGIS Online” ![](signing-into-esri-mobile-apps-with-a-geoplatform-login-gov-account/images/agol-signin.webp) 3. If the app “Wants to use “arcgis.com” to Sign In”, click “Continue” 4. Select “Your ArcGIS organization’s URL” then enter “geoplatform” in the box and click “Continue” ![](signing-into-esri-mobile-apps-with-a-geoplatform-login-gov-account/images/agol-signin-gp.webp) 5. Select “GeoPlatform Login.gov Account” ![](signing-into-esri-mobile-apps-with-a-geoplatform-login-gov-account/images/agol-signin-logingov.webp) 6. Follow prompts for entering your Login.gov account credentials and click “Sign In” ![](signing-into-esri-mobile-apps-with-a-geoplatform-login-gov-account/images/agol-signin-userpass.webp) 7. Open your authenticator app (Google Authenticator or Microsoft Authenticator) and enter the code. Click the “Submit” button. _Note: The authenticator app is the one you selected and set up when you signed up for a Login.gov account_ ![](signing-into-esri-mobile-apps-with-a-geoplatform-login-gov-account/images/agol-signin-auth.webp)